Dry Vs. Wet Carpet Cleaning: What’s The Difference?

Getting your office or home carpets cleaned can make a space feel brand new. Our carpets put up with a lot throughout the year, and every time the seasons change, we ask our carpets to deal with a new list of dirt, grime and stains. There two main carpet cleaning methods: dry and wet. Each one comes with a set of pros and cons, so below we will detail what some of those are.
Wet Cleaning
Wet carpet and upholstery cleaning is also known as the hot water extraction method. Using this method, the carpet is first treated with a cleaning agent that liquefies soils and other oil-based compounds that have worked their way into the carpet fibres. After that has had time to take action, water is then heated to nearly 100 degrees Celsius, pressurized and applied to the carpet. Once the hot water has acted together with the liquefying agent, after about 10 to 15 minutes, it is all extracted and you are left with a clean carpet that then must dry.
The most advantageous thing about wet carpet cleaning is that is great for getting at dirt and grime that has really wedged itself deep into carpet fibres. It is the most widely used method by carpet cleaning professionals, and is even the method most often recommended by carpet manufacturers. It is, however, more expensive than a dry clean, and you must also consider the wait time associated with allowing the carpet to fully dry after cleaning.
Dry Cleaning
Dry cleaning can either be done with an absorbent compound, or using the dry foam/rotary shampoo method. Using the dry absorbent compound method, a powder that has been added to specially designed solvents is applied to the carpet and them massaged in using a machine with counter rotating bristles. The powder absorbs the soil and grime in the carpet, is left for 10 to 15 minutes, and is then vacuumed up. It is simple and requires very little down time for the carpet, but it doesn't provide the same deep clean as the wet method, and the powder used can actually build up over time.
The rotary shampoo method is very similar to the above absorbent compound method, but instead of the powder, a different cleaning agent is used. The cleaning agent is whipped into a foam, massaged into the carpet by the same machine mentioned above, and then vacuumed up. It is fast and cost effective, but again, not as effective as wet cleaning, and if the machine malfunctions, the carpet can become over-saturated with moisture.
Wet cleaning is clearly the superior carpet cleaning method when it comes to the thoroughness of the clean you are going to get, but it comes with a higher price tag and a longer wait time while your carpet dries. If you are debating having your carpets professionally cleaned, keep the above information in mind and make the best decision possible for your home and your carpets.