How To Prepare For A Carpet Cleaning

Nothing adds a feeling of freshness to your home like clean carpets. Stains, odours and pet dander can take their toll on the look and feel of your carpets and upholstery, but after a thorough cleaning, whether by you, or by the professionals, they can look and feel brand new. There are some things, however, that you will want to do in preparation for that cleaning. Below are some tips on how to prepare for a carpet and upholstery cleaning.
Vacuum Beforehand
You are going to want to give your carpets a thorough vacuuming beforehand so that any superficial dirt and grime is removed. If you leave that superficial stuff sitting there, the deep clean may end up ingraining it into the material even further and be counterproductive.
Pin Up the Draperies
The draperies in the rooms being cleaned should be at least 6 inches off the floor. If it is a carpet cleaning and upholstery cleaning, any upholstery skirts should also be removed from the floor. This will ensure that neither are in the way of the cleaners and that they don't accidentally get damaged during the cleaning process.
Point Out Problem Areas
If there are any particular pieces of furniture, or areas of carpet, that need special attention, whether because of bothersome odours, troublesome stains or both, it is a good idea to let the cleaners know beforehand. That way, they can give the area(s) some extra care, and you get a 360 degree clean that leaves your carpets and upholstery looking great.
Remove the Furniture
It is not going to be possible to remove every piece of furniture from the rooms being cleaned, especially if there are bulkier pieces and you are home alone when the cleaners arrive, but anything that can be moved out of the way should be.
Get the Pets Safely Out of the Way
The dog(s) and/or cat(s) should be put in a different room from the ones the cleaners are in. Dogs and cats aren't fans of the loud noises that come with carpet and upholstery cleaning, so they will be glad to be out of there, but just in case they are not, keep them out of reach of cleaning products and keep their fur off the carpet while the pros are there.
There is nothing quite like a thorough, deep carpet cleaning to make your house feel like you are stepping into it for the first time. Whether you are showing it off for a potential sale, have relatives coming into town for the holidays, or it's simply time to get them cleaned professionally, make sure you've checked everything off the pre-clean to-do list before the pros get there.