5 Cleaners You Can Use On Electronics

Cleaning electronic items is one of those delicate tasks that require some forethought, because using the wrong cleaner could easily do damage to your appliance. When it comes to electronics-friendly cleaners, you can either buy products specially made for cleaning electronics or you can make your own cleaner. There are also specific cleaners that are more suitable for more sensitive electronic components, such as the interior of your keyboard. Finally, you should not just think about the cleaner, but the tool you use to clean your electronic parts. Here are a few suggestions for cleaners:
Rubbing Alcohol
Rubbing alcohol (also known as isopropyl) is a common cleaning agent for electronics. As one DIY video has demonstrated, you can make a simple solution by mixing rubbing alcohol with distilled water. This is particularly good for screen-cleaning.
Vinegar is seen as an alternative to rubbing alcohol. Some videos/websites advise against using vinegar, as it takes a much longer time to dry, but it does the job just as well. Also, some electronic manufacturers specifically warn against using rubbing alcohol. Therefore, vinegar is your next best bet.
Dusting Spray
As many people know (some through painful experience), liquid and electronic items generally don’t mix -- especially when it comes to laptops. It’s fairly easy to clean the surface, but when it comes to the interior, things can be a little tricky. Dusting spray is specially designed for cleaning electronic items without damaging them. These sprays contain anti-static elements that reduce the shocks that come from touching devices after cleaning. They also eliminate waxes and other elements that build up.
Contact Cleaner
Contact cleaner is ideal for cleaning AC power cord plugs and connections within electronic components. It also removes oxidation that may build up in addition to dust. The fluid often comes in red or clear form.
Compressed Air
If you’re looking for a touch-free cleaning solution, compressed air might be it. It literally blows light dust away. However, you should use it properly (follow the instructions) or you risk getting water into the component.
Cleaning Tools
It’s not safe to use a regular cloth on certain surfaces, such as touch screens. It’s best to use a microfiber cloth. For more targeted jobs you can spray the solution, or use a q-tip or toothbrush.
Cleaning your electronic devices doesn’t have to be a risky business, just make sure you use the correct cleaners. If you would like to find out more about cleaning options, visit our website or get in touch with our friendly staff. We are confident we can find a solution for your cleaning needs.