7 Spaces You Probably Forgot To Clean

Most of us believe we do a pretty good job of cleaning. Truth is, there are some spots that we just don’t think about during our regular cleaning routines. Here is a list of a few of those missed spots to keep in mind during your next foray into the cleaning world.
The is first up, for sure. Most of us don’t think to clean our beds. Sure, we change the sheets and maybe wash the comforter every once in awhile, but what about washing the pillows? They should be laundered every six months at least. If your machine can’t accommodate them, laundromats usually have oversized machines that could do the trick.
Curtains or Other Window Coverings
Drapes get dusty and they love a good vacuuming on cleaning days. Blinds can be wiped down with a damp cloth. If your curtains are washer friendly, give them a good wash a couple times a year, or take them to the dry cleaner once a year.
Light Bulbs
Are things a bit dim in your little corner of the world? It could be that your light bulbs have more dust and grime on them than you would suspect. A microfiber cloth is the ideal thing to clean them off with. Poof! Let there be light!
Small Appliances
Coffee makers can get all gunked up if not cleaned regularly. Running vinegar and water through your coffee maker will make your next cup of coffee taste great! And remember to clean your toaster out, too. Too many crumbs in the toaster tray can create a fire hazard.
Range Hood
When you’re wiping down your stove top, you might want to pay some attention to your range hood, too. When we’re at the stove we’re usually looking down so we don’t see how dusty and grimy the range hood can get. A cloth soaked with warm, soapy water will do the trick.
Garbage Can and Recycling Bin
Garbage cans and recycling bins can get pretty smelly if they’re not cleaned out regularly. They can be washed out with soap and water either outside or in the shower. Rinsing with white vinegar diluted with water will give the cans a fresh smell.
Shower Fan
Even if you’re always wiping down surfaces in your bathroom, you may forget the shower fan. Remove the vent and soak it in warm, soapy water. While it’s in the water, vacuum out the inside area. It will work better when it’s free of all the dust and dirt.