Upholstery Cleaning Tips For DIYers

It’s always a good idea to leave upholstery cleaning to the professionals, but if the job is light enough or you would simply prefer to just do it yourself, then here are some tips to help you do a great job. The overall process involves pre-cleaning, cleaning and drying. You will have to use a little bit of water, and spend some extra time on trouble areas. You will also have to be conscious of the type of fibres you are dealing with.
Pre-Cleaning Steps
The first step is cleaning the area where the furniture lies. It’s usually filled with dust and cobwebs. Neglecting to clean the spot will hamper your efforts with the upholstery itself. Apply a little bit of paint or sanding if necessary. Next, remove the cushions and vacuum the corners, cracks and crevices in the cushion. Finally, check the furniture to make sure it is in good working order. Repairing should take priority over cleaning.
Apply Water Lightly
You should always be careful when applying water to upholstery, too much can cause significant damage. First, check to see what kind of material you are working with, because there are some materials that are best left to the care of professionals. Some examples include silk, Haitian Cotton and rayon. If you think it is safe to apply water, apply it in misty form. Avoid using vinegar or anything acidic as this can damage the material.
You can use fabric cleaners or baby wipes as alternatives to plain water. Dry cleaning cloths can also work. Finally, there is upholstery-cleaning products.
Trouble Spots
For some of those tough stains, you might need to spend a little more effort on them. This might be applying some extra mist or patting gently with cotton balls. Don’t rub too hard. If the spot is really troublesome, then perhaps it is best for a professional to handle it.
For drying, you can use a blow dryer or fan. If you are using a ceiling fan, then make sure it turns counter clockwise to blow warm air. Avoid sitting or lying down on the furniture until it is completely dried.
Cleaning your upholstery is a delicate task, but if you are willing to put in the time and take the necessary precautions, you can do a good job. But as implies throughout this article, some jobs are best left to the professionals. If you would like to find out about our cleaning services and cleaning products, or would like some advice, then give us a call today or check our website.