Winter Office Cleaning Tips to Keep Your Business Spotless

During the winter months there are many things that can make your business space less inviting. Despite the fact our businesses keep us warm, the cold weather has a few unexpected effects on the cleanliness of our office environment. Cleaning practices in the winter months can help address several issues including the transfer of infectious germs such as cold and flu. This can wreak havoc on your business if the germs spread amongst staff. Sick days add up and work slows down, which can interfere with the operation of your business. There are also other issues winter weather can cause for your business, which makes it a good idea to add special winter cleaning tasks to your to-do list.
The Benefits of Professional Cleaning
Regardless of what line of business you are in, a clean business presents a professional image. When visitors and customers arrive, you want to ensure everything is presentable and clean. This is also important if you are interviewing people to fill positions, as no one wants to work in an office or business that looks shabby and run down. A good first impression instills confidence and trust while showing people you care.
There is also a safety element to cleanliness which helps keep the transfer of germs down to a minimum. Clean bathrooms and surfaces reduce the chances of spreading illnesses. You also need a safe environment, to avoid the chance of slips and falls; proper office maintenance is a must.
Commercial cleaning services can help keep things looking professional. Although you can try to do it yourself, the workload is higher in the winter and is best left for after hours, when everyone has gone home. Doing it yourself means longer days. A professional cleaning company could be available to handle the extra load brought on by the cold weather.
Winter Cleaning Tips
Here are some tips to keep things clean, safe and hygienic:
Exterior maintenance
When the temperatures drop, ice and snow can prove hazardous if not properly maintained. In the winter, it is very important that you pay close attention to the outside of your property if it is your responsibility. You have to ensure the paths and parking lot are cleared of snow and that salt is used to protect people from falls. And don’t forget those wet boots! People will be tracking in snow, ice, and salt on their boots. The cleaner it is outside, and the less you have to worry about the additional mess being dragged inside.
As mentioned above, winter weather will add to your woes indoors. People will be tracking in more dirt including salt, slush, and mud. When left to melt, that additional moisture can damage your floors, especially if they are hardwood. Carpet stains from tracking in the extra dirt can also be a real mess. Your first priority should be to add mats in your entryway to collect all that extra wet and salt. This can save you time and money while keeping your entry looking clean. It will also help you avoid slips when people step onto a slick surface with wet shoes and boots. The wet can also allow mildew and mould to grow and the mats will help sop up the damp.
You will also have to keep an eye on the buildup of salt that can still be tracked through the building. Daily vacuuming and cleaning is a must to reduce the buildup. Keep a mop handy, so you can swoop should you see a lot of water build up from melted snow. All this additional residue adds up over time, which will wear down the finish of just about any floor. Special machine scrubbing by a professional cleaning company will not only clean the floor but also remove mild imperfections to help avoid collecting further dirt build up. You can also have them apply additional floor finish if you wish to restore and protect your floors’ shine.
Healthy environment
Winter is the time of year for cold and flu. During the winter months, bacteria counts can build as much as 31 percent each day. This is across all surfaces in your building. Bathrooms are even worse, with 75 percent of washroom tap handles having some form of germs that can be spread throughout the building. That can add up to a lot of sick days. It just takes one person to spread germs through your entire company. Provide hand sanitizer throughout the office for the convenience of visitors and staff, but more importantly, regular, thorough cleanings using antibacterial cleaners is a must during the winter months. You don’t just have to worry about cold and flu bugs, but also many other types of viruses, from E-coli to Norovirus. A clean building is a healthy building.
Healthy air
The salt being tracked through your building can add to the dust buildup in your office, which can lead to respiratory hazards. Thorough cleanings in the winter months will help to remove the allergens present in the air you breathe. Studies have shown that indoor environments can contain up to five times more pollutants than the air you breathe outside. This is because the same air is circulating through the building day after day. Even if you have windows in the building, they will rarely be open in the winter months. Regular cleanings in the winter will help eliminate these pollutants. You should also have your HVAC system cleaned to reduce the germs in the office. It is always best to take a proactive, preventive approach to keep your indoor environment as healthy as possible.
Professional cleaners can provide the specialty winter services required from disinfecting to clean floors, so your workforce remains safe, healthy and happy.
For more information about cleaning your office in winter, call RBC Cleaning at 1-866-278-8208 or contact us here.